I am a 23 years old ill be 24 this august
& my life experiences make me as strong as the brooklyn bridge..
throughout everything one thing i learned is always to maintain my beautiful smile

Sometimes Life can get a little rough but my advice is to always keep yourself
grounded by taking the time to reflect with yourself.

i am a hardworker ..im not a girl who has been handed the world
everything i have i worked for..i an a humble person because i appreciate it all
these past few days have been a blur but i love spending time in the morning before
i do my good morning tweets..
laying in bed and looking out my bedroom looking at the portion of brooklyn
i can see from my bedroom window

Aromatherapy.. i have a big collection of candles..
i use those to put me in a better mood when i meditate from time to..
life may throw you curve balls.. but you can catch them and decide where your going
to throw it or..
you can let it hit you & knock you down...