Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sexy Tattoo Quotes For People in Love

Tattoo quotes are becoming quite fashionable these days because they are so personal. Especially sexy tattoo quotes for lovers can help to take the relationship to a higher and more permanent level. Here are some of the most popular sexy tattoo quotes for people in love.
When you are in love getting a special tattoo can be very personal and endearing. In the past many people chose to get pictures or drawings that were a symbol of their love for each other.
Today that is changing. More and more people in love are getting quote tattoos that more uniquely reflect their feelings for each other and about the love that they share. They are finding that the right words can be even more powerful than a picture.
The perfect tattoo saying that speaks about the love one person has for another can be very special and hold significant meaning for the relationship.
If you are thinking about sexy tattoo quotes, there are many to choose from. The following should help get your creative juices flowing. They are short, sexy and extremely meaningful.

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Hot Tattoo Lettering Designs and Ideas For Cool Word Tattoo Designs

It seems like one of the most popular trends in tattooing these days are literary or word tattoo designs. People both men and women are getting written tattoos now more than ever before.
However, there are many different styles to choose from and a lot of different options so before you run out and get your tattoo lettering design you should think about how you want the font to look and what you want to write.
The History of Word Tattoo Designs
You see written words have been a part of tattoos for a long time. However, it wasn’t until recently that the words became the tattoo itself. It used to be that the words were used to embellish and enhance the tattoo design. For example an anchor tattoo might have the words “home sweet home” written under it.
Another example might be the classic heart tattoo with the letters mom written under it. You get the idea here lettering used to be an extra piece to add on. However, these days tattoo lettering and literary tattoos have taken the main stage and they are no longer part of the embellishment but they are part of the tattoo itself.