MY SWEET Anna Sui Haul !
Ana Sui is one of the first brands that i fell in love with along with urban decay & make-up forever and a few others.
They have lots to offer when it comes to flashy colors.
The packaging just screams BUY ME!
My first Purchase Ever From Ana Sui was a fragrance very long ago!
Today was my quality time day with myself i went to the apple store to fix my laptop charger.
& i went to Anna Sui.
Anna sui has always been one of my favorite stores when im there
i feel very much like a women!
i feel like im at home.
its a one stop shop i can groom myself get dressed spray on my perfume
and go where ever my heart desires after.
it has a homey feel and thats what i love best!!!!
watch my video below to see my purchase:

When i pick out make-up as an artist im attracted to texture because i want colors!!
im also so big on features that because i want my clients to look good. but when im shopping for my self sometimes i want something thats going to look good on me and have cute packaging.
im so technical for my clients that i like to have fun with my own stuff i pick out for me

Waterproof Colored Eyeliners 19.00 us dollars

Spring! Spring! i love the blush they feature in the store
they are a must have perfect for contouring!
and the gloss is not sticky.
im very sketchy when it comes to picking gloss because there are so
many things you have to look for when picking the right one!
but this is awesome.

Forever & a day there polish has been my favorite
its about 15.00 us Dollars and is absolutely amazing
im a girl who loves to glisten and shine
and i get that effect with all there glitter nail polish!

one of the only brands left that still has GOOD colored mascara

Theres so many fragrances to choose from when shopping in her store
intricate bottles and names.
All different Smells to tickle your fancy :)
they tickle mine!
go join the lovely girls @ anna sui
so helpful and sweet
thanks for my wonderful experiences i have each time i enter the store.
-Downtown Pepper