@ 10 am...before work

@ 9pm....after work
Lets Just Say i always go for urban shadows because they have
staying power..
i am a women who is work 80% of my day and they last!

This is a break down of my urban decay face ..
im wearing the Fun Palette!
i cant choose which one is my favorite
because they all have an amazing
assortment of colors
im in love with the packaging of both the feminine palette
& the fun palette i love strawberries & floral

The Fun Palette..
Woodstock (fuchsia) Baked (Bronzer) Uzi (Satin White W/ Silver Glitter)
Sin (Shell Tone) Flipside (Turquoise) Psychedelic Sister (Royal Purple)
oil slick 24/7 liner & the orignal primer

The Dangerous Palette
Haight (Sea Blue Green) Mildew (olive green)
Virgin ( Soft Egg) Note: Originally in the naked palette
Oil Slick (Dark Black With Silver Glitter) Rockstar (Egg plant Purple)
Gunmetal is pretty self explanatory
Rockstar Pencil & Greedy Primer

The Feminine Palette
Stray Dog (Grayish Brown) Swf (Satin Pink With Silver Glitter) Midnight Cowboy (GLITTER)
Aquarius (Aqua Green) Darkhorse (Dark Bronze Brown With Bronze Flecks) Ecstasy (Purple)
Zero 24/7 liner & the Eden Primer Potion
Which one is your favorite im curious Tell!! us Why??