Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Daily Nail

How cute is this? One blogger has decided to paint a new nail art design every day for a year: the results are cute, creative, delightfully OTT, and make us want to get out the nail polish!
Okay, we admit it. We have a minor obsession with nail art at the moment (see our post on all things nail art over here), and The Daily Nail has some of the best nail inspiration we’ve come across!
The creator is a talented nail artist from Las Vegas who takes her fun nail art ideas from anywhere and everywhere: food, TV, politics, current events, famous artists… you get the idea! Check out a few of our faves so far - we're even getting game to try a few of her designs ourselves!

For those of us who like our beauty sites quirky and fun, the Daily Nail is a must-see on our web rounds! Lovingly recommended by Sportsgirl xo